What is an accredited investor and why do I need to be one?

Venture investing is a high risk investment avenue and for that reason, the government sets out financial criteria to protect investors. In summary, participants must satisfy ONE or more of the SEC's criteria. A non-exhaustive list includes:

More information can be found at the SEC website including: SEC FAQs and SEC Education, amongst other sources both within and external to the SEC.

Note that the aforementioned information is supplied as a starting point for potential LPs to independently investigate and verify their personal circumstances. LPs should not rely solely on this information in their decision-making process.

How much is the capital contribution?

Each LP (and MPs) will contribute USD $15,000. The capital contribution is a fixed amount for all members. An admin fee will be required in addition to the capital contribution. 

We are undertaking every reasonable effort to provide members (including MPs) will certainty of their financial commitment in WeCAN.  There are no plans to request more funds from members during the estimated 7 to 10 year life of the fund.  Except under highly extenuating circumstances and with agreement from members, there will be no capital calls during the fund's term.

If there’s no carry or management fee, what does the USD $1,500 ‘admin’ fee cover?

The admin fee covers our costs to 'administer', i.e. establish and maintain, the fund.  For example, SEC filings, annual business and tax filings, and similar paperwork need to be done.  As MPs, we are volunteering our time to manage some of the more administrative processes, however we do need engage professionals to ensure all regulatory, tax and other legal activities are undertaken properly.  

While we are making estimates based on best efforts, many unforeseen changes can occur over the life of the fund.  If our estimates are lower than required to administer the fund, we will need to leverage additional amounts from the capital pool (or request additional contributions from members, which is the less preferred option). Any surplus will be returned equally to all members at fund closing.

Our admin fee contribution does not cover the costs of distributing funds from one or more exits. If this occurs, we will use the return from the exit to cover the any surplus administrative costs, and the remainder will be distributed equally to all fund members. 

What is the time commitment for participating in the fund?

Please refer to the LP Briefing for more information.  In summary, we will have two types of LPs: 'Active' and 'Passive' LPs.  

Passive LPs will comprise a minority of LPs.  They will still have an equal vote and equal profit share, but we won't count on their participation to expend the fund.  

The majority of our LPs (targeting 40 LPs) will be committed Active LPs. It is important for all of us that Active LPs adhere to their commitment so we are able to share the workload at a manageable level. A summary of time commitment is as follows, noting that this is broken down per team and investment stage - this is not a monthly commitment. The LP Briefing material provides more information.  

What benefit do I get by participating in WeCAN?

We are seeking to generate a return on our investment while learning and expanding our networks. Pooling our money into a fund allows us to diversify our investments, which spreads our risk and increases our chances of a return on investment (ROI).  While numbers vary according to sources, it is estimated that out of every ten (10) deals, only one or two may result in positive ROIs. Furthermore, breaking even and returning a profit might take several years.  Despite this, profits can be meaningful and we will be actively seeking companies we believe will return a profit.  While effort is volunteer-based, this fund is not a not-for-profit or charity.

In addition to the tangible financial ROI we are seeking, the ability to undertake hands-on learning in a group environment provides an invaluable practical learning experience with a much lower cost than a textbook-based curriculum (e.g. an MBA).  Depending on the amount an LP volunteers, there is opportunity to dig in and critically understand each phase of the investment process, enabling LPs to move forward with independent, future ventures with deeper skills, higher confidence, and a fantastic network.

What are the key dates I need to know about?

Specific dates will depend on how you participate and your areas of interest. We are building a community so there are lots of opportunities to participate - keep an eye out on our Events page, LinkedIn and newsletters for all the goings on.  

Our regular Investment Meetings and cut off for deal flow applications in that cycle are as follows:

Why is WeCAN only investing in C-corps? Will this restrict our investment opportunities?

This is for tax purposes and is a common approach in the Angel community; it will not unduly limit our investment opportunities as most US-based start-ups are, or intend to be, C-corps.